P.O.W.W.O.W. (acronym for Pain of Wisdom In a World of Waste) in an Eco-Core band created in the spring of 2007 by vocalist/guitarist Tom Dente and percussionist Brian Terraciano. They played shows as a duo for 6 years until bassist Skot Valenze joined the band in the summer of 2013 officially completing their current line-up. Stationed in the mountain forests of Canadensis they create songs with a fast-paced hardcore punk/metal/blues fusion that will leave the listener craving more. Their ear-tilling tunes are accompanied by Dente’s powerful and commanding vocals that teach lessons, inspire thought and even tell predictions of the future.
So, what exactly is Eco-core and what is P.O.W.W.O.W. trying to acheive? As P.O.W.W.O.W. we are channeling our aggression towards the ridiculous lifestyle we have been born into. Eco-core combines the ideals of self-sustainability, grassroot organizations, food localization and lessening the power of massive corporations through local economy with music. We are aware of our developing ecological crisis and industrialism’s destructive potential of our planet Earth. Long passed has the time to open our eyes and see that we the people are obliged to take back control of our future. We are stupefied and enraged yet we are not blind for we are armed with solutions. It is in each and every one of our hands, in our bodies, it is our food. Participating in buying local food, reducing carbon footprints and cooperating with local farm operations is our mission.
You are encouraged to join P.O.W.W.O.W. and become one strong entity and stand up for the agricultural revolution. P.O.W.W.O.W.’s story does not end with us for it is within all of us. It is our reality. It is our Story. It is our History.